Forced account codes for outbound dialing
Request for Forced Account Codes for outbound dialing either by developing a method internally, or by enhancing API functions to allow RSI to build this functionality properly within their system.1) ability to define/add LD authorization code/pin - minimum digit length, 42) ability/option to assign code to user and/or extension3) ability/option to report on code usage, either in CDR or some other report. Report must show user and/or extension, time/date and code.4) ability/options to lock all phones to internal only dialing and prompt caller to enter an auth code/pin when dialing external or an option to specify certain extension must use auth code/pin for public access. Prompting for code can be on the display or a beep at the end of the dial string.Issues with the current implementation of RSI's product as of 10-20-2020 that requires enhancements:For RingCentral Office, we decided to use a delimiter to differentiate the number at the end of the dial string...for example: 9055764575#28999 (where 28999 is the account code)This works well because we can trap the call in progress. Then we verify if the code is valid (against our database of valid client/matter numbers). Then we allow the call to proceed or we terminate the call. There are more elegant ways but then we would need to interact differently with hard phones, soft phones, rc app etc. This method works!The problem:The digits at the end of the dial string #28999 cannot be stripped or prevented from pulsing out at the far end. Therefore, it is possible that we could hit an IVR, Voicemail, AA etc. and be led down a blind path.We are hoping that RC can find a way for us to optionally configure users to prevent dialing extra digits beyond the delimiter?