Customer requested to remove ability for users to place themselves into a DND state on RC Desktop app, Physical phones and RC Mobile... (Android). So that State is removed completely from user view. Would like this to be programmable to advised user groups, rather than set at account level. Customer is a hotelier and do not want any of their onsite users to "accidentally" place themselves (or shared devices) into DND, as this would prevent incoming calls (business) coming into the location. Even with education system mis-use can still be achieved by the end user
- (Android). So that State is removed completely from user view. Would like this to be programmable to advised user groups, rather than set at account level. Customer operates 329 Care homes across the UK. They have concerns about user call controls and if any users place Mobile, Desktop or physical endpoints into a DND state (Never has this request before, but funny that i had it from two different customer in 48 hours - Travelodge). Customer would require this to effect only certain user devices on the estate, mainly shared Desk phones (Receptionist and main Care home areas.).There could be some Mobile app users (iOS) who also need DND state removed.