German Overvdialing Support
In Germany it was very common in the ISDN world that companies add additional digits to phone numbers provided by the PSTN service provider. This functionality in ISDN is called "Overdialing." As an example of this functionality, the PSTN service would provide a number block of 100 numbers to a company. The company would then add 2 digits to the numbers. For example, a company purchases 100 numbers from DTAG +49 89 12345 - 00 .. 99. The company can add digits, i.e. 2 digits +49 89 12345 - 00 .. 99 - 00..99. This example shows that the potential number range has been enlarged from 100 numbers (provided by the SP) to 10000 numbers. All of those "overdialed" numbers would be reachable from external (PSTN). This idea requests that such an overdialing mechanism is provided in RC to allow companies to increase the number pool by appending some digits to the numbers. It should be possible to add up to 6 digits to a number.