File Transfer Using Message in the Ring Central Application
As an admin we have the ability to allow or disallow file transfers in the Messaging area.
This option can be found in the Application by going to Settings/Administration/Messaging
Then drill down to Integrations Settings/Manage File Sharing
Manage file sharing
Adjust user access for different file sharing sources. If the box is unchecked, users will no longer be able to see and share from the unchecked file sharing source.
The options are below. The top option "Upload from Computer/Mobile" in all encompassing for all file types. Would like to see the file types broken down by file type and we can allow or disallow as needed. Example we want to allow excel, word and PDF's but we do not want to allow .exe or .bat files. Currently none of these below as we need more granularity to what file types can be shared.
Upload from computer/mobile
Google Drive