1333 results found
Enable recording disclaimer in RCV
The customer wants to have a recording disclaimer on RingCentral Video juts like the settings that can be enabled for RingCentral meetings.
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Minimize Video Screen
It would be useful to have the video chat minimize so it's just a pop up of the participants and you can work on your computer while you talk.
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Read Receipts
I don't see an option of viewing who has read my message and who haven't in the Glip Space. Even on Direct or Group Messages
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Have "record automatically" checkmark-able feature in RCV creation screen
Have "record automatically" checkmark-able feature in RCV creation screen
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Icons that indicate if on a call or are in a video meeting
Next level of presence seems to be taking it beyond just if someone is busy, and indicating they are in a video meeting or on a call. Sometimes depending on who I am trying to get a hold of it may be ok to ping them if in a video meeting but not on a call or vice versa.
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Quickly create a follow up meeting with the same participants
A button/link/menu item that quickly schedules a follow-up meeting (e.g. in Outlook) with the same participants.
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Mirror the video in the meeting, so that text displays front to back instead of back to front
branding and signage in meetings
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share files securely with other participant to download
especially for telehealth
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Random meeting ID retention
Currently:1. If you "Schedule" a meeting with random ID, the ID will be retained for a year and expire after that.2. If you "Start" a meeting from RC Web App, the ID expires in less than a week.3. Dealing with multiple overlapping meetings with "Personal" ID is not that convenient.What's going on in workflow:1. After a year you've setup several meetings (like 1x1s and team syncs) you get them expired.2. As you get that "Invalid ID" message pretty unexpected (usually minute before the meeting should actually start) - you quickly hit Start button in RC Web App and send out…
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9 votes
Add the Personal Meeting Names from the Super Admin
It would be useful to have the option to add the personal meeting names from the super admin. We provide speech and occupational therapy for kids with autism and this feature will make easer for them to access the tele therapy session link that we use. Sometimes, they can't come to our clinic so we offer this option to parents so that our kids don't lose the track of improvement they have done. If we personalize this they won't get confused between which link belongs to what type of therapy.
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Allow Moderators to Control Breakout Rooms
The moderator function doesn't have the ability to manage or set-up breakout rooms. Without the previous co-host or the ability to assign a new actual host, this means that breakouts cannot be used if the host has to leave a meeting.
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RingCentral Video - Reactions
Our staff love to use the "reactions" type emojis within a video meeting. This will allow participates to interact within the meeting and not have to talk. This would be a huge benefit to the Video platform. :)
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While in a meeting, show duration of the meeting
When you're in a meeting, it's good to show how long the meeting has been going on so you can determine if you're over or not.
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Customize the Email Invite and make default for RingCentral Meetings for ALL users
Currently the only option to do this appears to be:https://support.ringcentral.com/article/Customize-Email-Invite-RingCentral-Meetings.htmlMake the change every time through outlook, users won't do this every time as its not practical.orADD to the template. I want to REMOVE/CUSTOMIZE the verbiage not add. Help
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Add "Hello" reaction in meeting
Sometimes when you join a meeting, you want to say "Hello" but don't want to interrupt ongoing discussion. So it will be great to introduce "Hello" reaction just for this case.
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Automatic start of conferences / meetings
When a meeting is scheduled, all registered participants should be called automatically.If I am a participant in a meeting but was not present at the start of the meeting, the client should display that a meeting is currently running and that I have the opportunity to join it.- like in a live huddleThere are several providers in the European market that provide this function, this is a very big disadvantage for us and also it is convenient because not constantly someone comes too late.
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Alert host when attendee joins meeting before host.
Zoom does this and so does RCM. Send the host an email (alternate alert methods could also be nice: pop-up in app, text message) anytime a participant joins their call before they have. If the host is running late it is very helpful to know if and how long your participants have been waiting, since some partic join late themselves, or skip calls.Currently, if an attendee joins and drops before host join, host has no way of knowing this if not told.
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Super Admin should have total control
What is the point of a Super Admin role if the Super Admin only acts as a regular Admin. Your knowledgebase conflicts with the app's reality. A Super Admin should be able to add Team Admins and remove Team Admins regardless of who created the Team. The S.A. should be able to rename Teams and folders regardless of who created them in the first place. Simply put, the Super Admin should be in God Mode and can change anything in the account since the Super Admin created the original account and owns it.
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Status time on MVP
We would like to have view how long someone's status for example away for 10 minutes. It would be nice for managers and supervises. This is for users that are not in MaxAgent. This is preventing us from moving to MS Teams.
9 votes
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