Forward calls from user extension to company main number
Wanna be able to forward all the calls from a user extension with a Digital line to Company's main number

Robbie commented
I want our office of two to be able to use our main number for everything, but since people see my direct number when I'm texting (we can't share a text#), then everyone I text on our cmpany behalf call back to my number directly leading to missed calls when I'm on the phone/ not avail. Would be really helpful to have some option to have those calls go right into our main number and not only back to me!
Brian commented
This is critical to small business that have only a few lines.
Lisa commented
Yes, and also be able to delete the employee that left from the Ring Order menu. There is no delete option, you can only toggle them off.
Karen commented
We absolutely vote that if a specific employee has left the company, we want to be able to play an announcement for anyone calling his extension, and then have the calls forwarded to our Company's main number! Thank you.