Domain Control
Please add a "domain control" option. It would be really nice to block people from creating "personal" RingCentral accounts using a corporately controlled domain email address.

Chris commented
I agree with Michael. We have to reach out to Support frequently to have free accounts deleted so that we can add users via the Admin portal using their company email address. We need a deny list so that users cannot create a free account using their company email address.
Hello, You can set up how users sign up for RingCentral with a certain email domain. Learn more now: I'll be marking this idea as implemented with this new feature, but if anyone has additional requests, please comment! Hope this helps all!
Saikrishna commented
I agree on this.
Scott commented
I feel that this could be leveraged by someone to eavesdrop on corporate conversations. It seems to be a major security concern and should be implemented ASAP.
Michael commented
this is what it could look like
Seher commented
How is this not already in place?
Carol commented
Please get this under control, anyone with a specific domain should be redirected to login with the main auth method that domain is using. Makes for a poor onboarding and user experience to have to remove someone's account a week after they have been hired, so convert it into an org managed one.
Anoop commented
This is a big security hole. You can invite people to your meeting stating that you represent the organization. This defintely need a fix.
Danny commented
Jason commented
Having this feature would be an enormous increase of efficiency and much more productive! Agree with others, it causes a lot of undue work and leads to such a poor onboarding process/experience
Matt commented
Not having this feature is causing a lot of overhead.
Alexandra Vasilia commented
Please get this under control, anyone with a specific domain should be redirected to login with the main auth method that domain is using. Makes for a poor onboarding and user experience to have to remove someone's account a week after they have been hired, so convert it into an org managed one.
Cloud Connect My Smile Dental Plan commented
This would be fantastic, and would help align employees with the standard practice of the company, and reduce downtime for them while we wait for RC to delete their "personal" account on the backend.
Bob commented
Wish I could vote for this more than once!
Michael commented
I would like to expand on this. We have an enterprise account and employees will sign-up on RC site for free accounts of RC Meetings... This generates an account in the backend that then prohibits administrators or okta from adding the employee to our instance. In the last year we have had to put in tickets to request over 128 deletions of free accounts so tha the employee can be added to our account for Phone , Video, and Messsaging use.