Integration with Apple Watch

Andrew commented
Integration for answering calls from Apple Watch would be excellent. Executives at my company are requesting this in order to not miss phone calls.
Mike commented
John commented
I am having the same issue, it was working on my Apple watch at one point. I don't see why this can't be allowed to function. Can you give us and update on the status of this functionality?
Blake commented
It’s incomprehensible that my watch doesn’t notify me of incoming calls. I don’t need ability to answer it from the watch. Just notify me when I have an incoming call. It doesn’t seem that difficult.
Eric commented
Myself and several coworkers have been lobbying to change to a different VOIP system because of lack of Apple Watch support. We want to be informed of incoming calls in the most efficient way possible.
Receiving calls is of UTMOST importance. The new "features" where RingCentral tries to be like zoom have no interest to us.
Vir commented
This is dealbreaker for us. We keep our phones on silent all the time and rely heavily on call notification from apple watch on our wrist to know someone is calling. We are loosing business by missing calls. If this feature is not delivered soon then RingCentral will loose us.
Luke commented
Definitely add this feature, I need to take calls on my watch. I may need to reconsider my relationship with ring central
Peter commented
Here's what I think RingCentral management should know about this issue. I was a RC customer for 15 years and had my calls sent to my Apple Watch for the last 3. I recently left to go to DialPad, didn't like it, and now I'm back, only to find out that the current versions of iOS RingCentral don't support Apple Watch. I can't imagine who thought this was a good idea. I didn't like DialPad but it rang on my Apple Watch and I never missed a call. Andy E, nailed it - please stop trying to be the next Zoom and get the basics right. I'm going to miss my phone calls, but I've got teleconferencing i dont want or need.
Stephen commented
I really hope this idea is being seriously considered... it would certainly add value to your service from our point of view as a customer! It would be nice to know from RC if it is feasible however given that we are using VOIP rather than standard cell phone calls. I've no idea if the Apple watch can handle these as calls...
Robert commented
Absolutely! If especially with the new finger tap to answer a call, there are times we are in the middle of something and cannot pull the phone out to answer. Having RingCentral's calls routed to an apple watch would be awesome!
Holly commented
Please add this feature to apple watch. I don't carry my phone with me throughout the childcare center and I NEED to be able to answer work calls at any time during the day. It is ridiculous that my watch rings for everything else except Ring Central calls.
Barbara commented
It's ridiculous that there's no longer a RingCentral App on the Apple Watch. I need to get alerts on my watch for my business!
Krishina commented
Apple Watch is a useful tool in my business. Wearing it on my wrist and feeling it vibrate when I am not near my phone, but a quiet environment is necessary, would be SO helpful. I have found other forums where other people have expressed that they would like this integration as well. Please heavily consider supporting the Apple Watch. It would immensely help me and countless others never miss another phone call again.Thank you,
Tobias Weinberger commented
Please do integrate calls on apple watch
Mohamad commented
Need to enable answering calls from Apple watch RC App, which ideally helps to answer my calls while walking around or when my phone on my pocket to answer sales calls quicker. Getting incoming calls notification only is not help at all.
Tammy commented
Please create an Apple Watch app!!
Roxann commented
Ring Central needs to be able to ring through Apple Watch
Andy Esposito commented
Ring Central is all over the map. Focus on corecompetenciesand not worrying about being the next Zoom. Get the basics down first.
Andy Esposito commented
Ring Central is all over the map. Focus on core competencies and not worrying about being the next Zoom. Get the basics down first.
Joe commented
I rely on the Apple Watch for notifcations, and the one thing I can't be notified about is an incoming work call because RingCentral doesn't support such a basic feature as notification of an incoming call i.e. ringing on Apple Watch. Please add this feauture!