Outlook Contact Sync with Subfolders
Currently, when syncing the RingCentral App with Office365 Contacts, the only contacts that are pulled are from the primary contacts folder, not the subfolders that a user may have created.It would be useful to eitherProvide for the ability to choose subfolders to sync with from the RingCentral AppJust recursively look in the subfolders and sync everything within RingCentral.
Mario commented
This has been going on for years and I was on the call with a rep for over 2 hours and she "finds" a solutions only to be put on hold indefinitely and she never came back or called me back. Support is going back to being really bad.
Joe commented
It would be really useful if ALL Contact Folders would sync into the RingCentral App.Currently, ONLY contacts in the "Main/Default Contacts" Folder within Microsoft Outlook Contacts sync and show w/in the RingCentral App. If you have additional Contact Folders or Sub-contact Folders those contacts DO NOT show or come over into the app.That means NO Caller ID, NO easy way to callout/Ringout from a contact who doesn't show up in the RingCentral App, and so on. This WAS NOT and is NOT an issue in the old RingCentral Phone Desktop Software/App.*This doesn't appear to be an issue on the mobile app (phone app shows phone contacts), just the new RingCentral Web/Desktop Software/App.
Neil How commented
At present contacts within folders are not imported into RingCentral.