Provide a way to directly leave voicemails without first calling someone
There are cases where people only want to leave a voicemail for a person, and not ring a person's phone first. (Ex. If you want to leave a voice message, but it's not urgent.)Please provide a way to set a direct dial number to allow people to reach the Ring Central voicemail system for a company.Without this feature Ring Central doesn't provide feature parity with other on-premises phone systems which all have this functionality.

Jerry commented
Customer requested this feature to be added for convenience.
Morgan commented
It would be useful to drop a list and do ringless voicemails to generate leads
IT commented
Ringless voicemail for outbound
Anonymous commented
Have the ability to immediately reach someone's voicemail. Sometimes I need to leave a message to a client, but don't need to have a conversation with them, especially when time is a factor. I would text them when possible, but sometimes the numbers are business/landline phones.