Permanent Customizable Tagging Setting in RingCentral
Although I am an employee of RingCentral, I must confess that there have been occasions when I have utilized our competitor's (Teams) messaging system. One feature that I particularly appreciate in Teams is the ability to automatically tag or notify individuals in text conversations, without the need to manually insert the @ symbol. In considering ways to enhance our own RingCentral application, it may be worthwhile to explore the implementation of a similar feature. By creating a dedicated setting for mentioning someone in a text message, we can provide users with increased flexibility and control. This setting would allow for customization of how notifications or mentions are handled, ensuring that the intended recipient does not miss being tagged. Additionally, it could offer options to tailor notification preferences based on user preference or message urgency. Such a setting could also incorporate additional functionalities such as tagging priority, group mentions, or time-based preferences, ultimately resulting in a more user-friendly and adaptable experience.