Paging Group Contact / Shortcut for Desktop App
In the mobile app, users are able to see and access Paging Group Contacts under the Other tab. You can then click Page announcement and make a page. There is also an option to "Add to quick contacts". This works and shows up on both the mobile app and the desktop app, however you are unable to use the Contact in the desktop app. There is no way to easily create a simple way to page. The only way is to know *84XXX# where XXX is the extension number (can be longer than three digits). This is very clunky and reminds me of something from the 80's or 90's, not a "cutting edge" phone system.
JG commented
This is becoming a critical request - we have implemented emergency page notifications that need to be dialed to initiate a Fire Drill, Active shooter, shelter in place, etc notice - the only way is the *84<ext>#, the mobile app, or a speed dial hot key programmed into a physical phone.
I submitted this request a year ago, and it still has no traction - please add this to the desktop app!
Thank you!
Rollin Sopher commented
Customer uses paging groups throughout their locations and they have programmed a softkey (with a custom config) on their hardphones to easily page the paging group at the location. They have some users at the locations that will use the RCApp and would like a way to easily access the paging group for the location as well. Currently, there is not a way to do this in the RCApp. Explored the possibility of creating a new contact and use the *84 plus the extension number of the paging group as the phone number. However, an error is generated because the RCApp does not recognize the "*" as part of a dialable number. If this was possible, then this contact would be added as a quick contact.