Fix Voicemail Access
If you create a Queue, and a caller ends up in that voicemail, there is no easy way for the members of the Queue to get to that voicemail. They have to be given advanced levels of access (Admin) to the system to access it. Currently, this means the Tech admin has to keep going in and helping the Queue members now get to messages that our general reception team needs to access, and that is nuts!This needs to be fixed ASAP. It is a fundamental function that a shared, general delivery voicemail system be available to any company! Our team does miss calls, they do end up in the voicemail. They have to have an easy way to just jump right into those. They cannot keep asking the Tech person to go get these messages for them. Every member of a Queue should see the Queue voicemails IN their own voicemail menu as a box (ie: Queue heading, with the name(s) of the queues beneath it that they click on and can then manage right there). There should also be an easy *something access point to it. Like *86 plus the queue extension number to trigger a prompt to then enter the queue VM password so as to check it over the phone.

John commented
Have an option to view VM on a call queue group set as operator ext
Curtis commented
Right now only the manager can see the group's VMs and only by logging into the admin portal.Currently you can have the system forward VMs to users in email, but then they can't see if a VM has already been responded to or if it still needs a follow up.It would be nice if you could let all users see the VMs in their app. Under the VOICEMAIL tab in the app it even specifies "all voicemail" as an option, like there could be an option next to it suggesting "sales voicemail" or whatever groups the user is a member of.This would be extra useful for a group if users could add comments on the VM such as "this has been followed up - jerry" or "followed up but issue ongoing -steve".
Lupe commented
Currently, only managers of a call queue can access the voicemails. Add an additional setting where members have access to voicemails. Members are only allowed to hear the message but not delete. However, they can mark it as complete or maybe add a "note" box to show who took care of the call. Manager can then delete calls once it's confirmed the call has been taken care of.