Combine back-to-back messages from the same user
Users often send multiple messages back-to-back, sending a message as they complete each thought, rather than composing a full message and posting once. This is a natural way many people communicate in chat and IM interfaces. It would be great if the app could combine consecutive messages from one user into a single message visually. There could some invisible timer in the background so if a minute or two passed with no new posts, and the same user posted another message, that would be treated as a separate message.RC Classic did something like this - see attached screenshot. Each line is a separate post, but my avatar is only shown once and the messages are combined with one timestamp. It makes things much easier to read when someone sends rapid-fire messages.One improvement over the RC Classic feature - when messages get grouped together, they still have separate actions on the right side (bookmark, pin, edit, etc.). It would be better if these ALSO were combined into a single action menu, so those actions would cover the entire grouping of messages.

Elodie commented
It is well known now that there are 2 types of people : those who send one big and long message and those who send a lot of small messages and unfortunately for me, I am of the later group. When sending messages in RC MVP chats, every message sent mentions the person's name, their photo and the time even if that person has sent 5 messages all within a few seconds of each other.It would be a lot more pleasing to the eye and user friendly if the messages where all grouped together under one header only OR that the if the messages are all sent within a few seconds of each other to hide the name and photo ...
Dean commented
in the day and age of instant messaging, we often send multiple messages to the same person before they have the opportunity to reply. In Glip (Ring Central Messages), sequentual messages aren't grouped together.
Ivan commented
It came to my attention that the message flow in UO is not well structured and has huge gaps between the different rows.For each row, it ads the name and the picture of the person which makes very hard to properly follow chat conversation.For direct messages p2p to show the name on every line is redundant since the chat is only between you and the person
Chris Sator commented
when sending multiple messages without a return reply, the app keeps posting my user ID for each and every message -- other messaging apps post the user ID once with the multiple messages beneath it making for a clearer/cleaner read by the recipient that also doesnt take as many lines -- example i msg someone 4 times in a row without reply and 4 times my user ID is shown prior to each message when in reality my user ID should show once with the 4 messages below it