Red Dot Notification setting for the RingCentral Taskbar Icon
It would be great if a setting can be added to change which notifications cause the RingCentral Taskbar Icon to have a red dot.For those larger companies that have company wide Teams, it would be ideal to have a setting where the Red Dot Taskbar icon only appears when receiving a direct message or just selected users. Without this, having company-wide Teams causes the Red Dot to appear in the RingCentral logo in the taskbar almost constantly and is useless in knowing if someone is trying to reach out to you. If RingCentral is looking to attract much larger corporations to use this as their IM Platform, this feature is a must to know when a direct message has come in, versus a generic company wide notification.

Sharad commented
That's what I was trying to post. Looks like someone is going thru the pain too.
Red dot: Direct messages/mention
Green dot: messages on channels