Access all voicemail boxes from the App
I monitor and manage 4 voicemail boxes for my organization (my personal box, my department's Call Queue box, and two Message-Only Extension boxes). At the moment, to check those boxes for voicemails, I have to log into the app to check my personal voicemails, then I have to switch over to the website and login there to check the Call Queue voicemail and the Message-Only Extension voicemails - which are located in two different folders. It's a maddening nightmare that takes a ridiculous amount of time out of my work day. It is organizationally inefficient and poorly structured.In addition, two other staff members help me monitor those voicemail boxes. As we respond to calls, we delete the voicemails out of the system so that we know they are completed. Any voicemail messages in the box indicate to us that the caller still needs a response.I'd like to propose and request that when a staff member is authorized to view and/or manage a voicemail box, that the box automatically appears in the app under the personal voicemail. I should be able to log into ONE location and see all the voicemail boxes that I manage in ONE place. Our old phone service (ShoreTel) offered this functionality, and switching over to Ring Central has actually been a downgrade - so unfortunate.

Rammy commented
listen to all voicemails from all extensions from the ringcentral application so that the administrator has more convenient access
General Mailbox commented
I Login to my RingCentral Phone using my extention... but, our company operateds on a call-back system where incoming calls to our support department must leave a message for us to return. Those incoming messages are dropped into the "support" inbox for any of our support agents to listen to and administer (call back and delete from the inbox). THis couold be done by multiple support agents. But, from our extention, we can't see that "support inbox" without logging out of our extention and logging in to the "support" extention. I would like a feature in the "RingCentral Phone" app that would allow a user to have visibility and ability to adminiter messages left in NOT ONLY my own inbox.... but, also the "support inbox" since that user is a support agent. We don't want to change the incoming calls to drop into a different user's inbox... since we have multiple support agents... we want the multiple support agents to be able to see into and adminsiter messages in the "shared" inbox for the "support department".