Add a notes/description field to each user extension visable to only admins
I would like to have a notes/description field added to each user extension in service web that will allow any admin to make notes on the user. This should be visible to only user admins. For example, notes on why settings have been configured a certain way.
ZZZ - Ken Do Not Touch User commented
It would be extremely useful to myself, our Telecom department, and I believe most RC Admins if there was a private, admins-only Notes tab in a user’s profile in the Admin Portal.This would allow us to document notes regarding the circumstances of the account, special considerations required for future changes, etc.It would also be useful for marking a user’s status in a way that is invisible to the rest of the organization; we have many thousands of MVP user accounts, and frequently we need to freeze one or more for Legal Hold, and currently that requires us all just “knowing“ which accounts are Terminated, or Legal Hold, or On Leave, etc. The best workaround currently is to append that data to the user’s last name field, but that’s super ugly and very public.