Abilty to choose which tabs to pin in message side bar.
We currently use the events calendar to notify coworkers of day-of checks for our files. These are linked to specific groups for different purposes. The sidebar for the group chat helps as a quick view for where the pertinent info needs to show as information is updated/added/etc in relation to that event in that group. It helps that we can shift between each tab in that side bar, but the reset between message groups/open and close of the program is unhelpful and feels tedious to adjust. If we could "pin" or customize the tabs that show initially, that would be convenient and allow each group to choose the info presented for each purpose at a glance. For the way we are currently operating the "tasks" tool is redundant and can add clutter as it repeats the information we are applying with the added requirement to complete and does not clear from the bar as they are completed.