Billing Contact Information to be associated to any RingCentral number
Partner wanting our system to allow Billing Contact Information tab for contact phone number to accept RingCentral numbers within the account as primary contact number. Current Behavior: Service web by default is set to have the Contact phone section as the main company. Once Contact information is edited, it will not allow to save the details if the main number or any number associated to the account is entered. Reason for Request: Partner said that the set up should be accepted as it is the mode of contact for the contact person indicated. They cannot provide personal numbers as alternate contact for a Business Billing.

Alber commented
The ability to add RingCentral phone number on Billing Contact Information as there are some customers who are outside of the United State and they do not have any other number.
Oliver Mark Ritualo commented
option to use RC number in the billing information and user details as customers cannot use their personal numbers as it is against their privacy policy
SuperAdmin commented
Billing contact person should be contacted through RingCentral number in all cases except if the service is no longer available for some reason.