Automatically Update Presence After Computer is Locked
It would be nice for Ring Central to be able to recognize when a user has locked their computer and update their presence to "Idle" or something similar, noting that the user is briefly away from their desk. Our policy is to lock your system when not in use, so if somebody locks their system and walks away to help somebody with something, it would be nice for Ring to reflect that the user is not available/idle/away, so that they're not still receiving calls, appearing to be available. Otherwise, users have to remember to change this every time they step away from their computer.

Tobias commented
Currently there is no automated presence change when a user locks his Computer. Which means, the phone keeps ringing even though the screen is locked and the user is not available anmore.When a user locks the screen this should automatically switch status to unavailable.Alternatively if above cannot be realized a timer should be introduced where a user can set up himself after which time of inactivity this should be reflected in a respective presense status unaivalable.