Customizable password policies
Plain and simple, a check box or something that forces all users in the organization to adhere to a password policy. I.E. forcing password changes after 3-6 months, complex passwords only, ETC.

Cesar commented
Agree! For RingEX, we need password expiration capabilities to force users to update at 30-60-90 days etc.
Matthew commented
The request is to allow an Admin to force extra requirements for users’ passwords including:
-Have a minimum password length: The password length can be increased from a minimum of 8 characters, up to 14 characters.
-Have at least 1 special character (!, @, #...): Requires a special character in the password.
-Password expires automatically and needs to be changed after the specified number of days: Allows you to set an expiration date on passwords, forcing users to create a new password when it expires. This can be set for 30, 60, 90, or 120 days.
-Users cannot reuse any password used in the previous number of times: Forces users to not reuse an older password that has been used within the set number of passwords created previously. This number can range from 3-12 previous passwords created.
-Users can change their password a maximum number of times every 24 hours: Locks how many times a user can change their password in a 24 hour period. It can be set from 3 to 8 times.