Non-Super Admin users can elevate themselves to a Super Admin.
We have noticed that Non-Super Admin users can elevate themselves to "Super Admin." This could potentially cause security issues and business impact.Non-Super Admins should not be able to change their role to a “Super Admin” or remove the SA role from other accounts.Scenario: We have our Non-Super admins that have “User Management” under their role, they need this to be able to choose a different role for MACD (move,add,change,delete) requests but we don’t want them to have the ability to change their own permission to “super admin.” Only another “super admin” should have the ability to change someone else to a “super admin” role.

Zackery commented
We have noticed that Non-Super Admin users can elevate themselves to "Super Admin." This could potentially cause security issues and business impact. Non-Super Admins should not be able to change their role to a “Super Admin” or remove the SA role from other accounts.Scenario: We have our Non-Super admins that have “User Management” under their role, they need this to be able to choose a different role for MACD (move,add,change,delete) requests but we don’t want them to have the ability to change their own permission to “super admin.” Only another “super admin” should have the ability to change someone else to a “super admin” role.