Extend Delegate Line Group functionality to the RC App (Desktop and mobile)
Use Case: The prospect saw a demo of Delegate Line Groups on a Poly endpoint. They absolutely loved the functionality and intend to use it for their Execs and Exec Admins. The customer really wants to use both desk phones as well as the RC App.Feature Request: Extend Delegate Line Group functionality to the RC App in the HUD.Specific feature callout:
Ring the RingCentral Apps when a call is placed to a Delegate line
Prepend the Delegate Line Group name to the Caller ID so that the parties being presented with the caller better understand what type of call it is. This functionality already exists with Call Queues today
Allow the Owner and Delegates to place outbound calls on behalf of the phone number assigned to the Delegate Line Group in the RC App from the Dialer.
Allow the Owner and Delegate to place outbound calls on behalf of the phone number assigned to the Delegate Line Group in the RC App HUD.
Delegate Line calls should be visible to both the owner and the delegates.
The Owner and Delegates should be able to freely put a call on hold on the physical phone and resume that call on the RC App (mobile and desktop)
Voicemails for Delegate Lines should have Shared Voicemails configuration options that allow for co-delivery and co-processing in the RC App (mobile and desktop)