Route 911 call to onsite Police Force/Security vs. Public Emergency Services
Customer requires that 911 route to their own onsite Police/Security Force/Emergency Services team rather than PSAP. If escalation to other services is required, they will handle. Critical to this opp and other Higher Ed customers

Lothar Kirchen commented
This feature is also essential for larger accounts and prospects across the EU market. Many large campuses, such as airports, chemical plants, and similar facilities, have their own fire and emergency stations. These organizations often prefer to route emergency numbers like 112 and 999 directly to their on-site emergency response teams, rather than to public answering points.
Pedro commented
The customer requests that all 999 calls be centralized to the onsite Security team. If necessary, they will contact the emergency services. This request is of utmost importance due to the customer's expansive campus. Without Security being in control, it would be difficult to provide accurate instructions to the emergency services regarding the correct location onsite.