blocked outbound caller ID being tagged as spam
When users select the "Blocked" number as their outbound caller ID, recipients often see the caller ID as "11111" or the call is marked as spam. As a result, the majority of recipients do not answer these calls, leading to communication disruptions and inefficiencies.
Implement a feature that allows the option to whitelist "Blocked" Caller IDs to prevent them from being tagged as spam by recipients' phone systems. This ensures that calls made with a "Blocked" Caller ID appear legitimate and are not automatically declined by the recipient.

Nicole commented
This is a major barrier, as I do not have a business card with my phone number to give to potential clients. I would often like to follow up via phone call, and although I tell them it may show up as a spam call, they're likely to forgot that it's me and not answer. Additionally, it would be helpful to be able to personalize our caller ID such as "Omni Fiber Representative" or "(first, last name) Omni Fiber" for example.