Voicemail Response Time Limit
Have the ability to set length in minutes for voicemail responses. Our customer stated to used to have it for 3 minutes and automatically cuts, prompting to the caller limit is reached. This was working just fine for the customer however they are now receiving messages longer. They need to be able to set this back to 3 minutes or adjust to preference

eWareness commented
Here are several places where RingCentral Customers left comments about the time limit for voicemails where it seems like 3 minutes was the max:
eWareness commented
I've spoken with your tech support folks who have told me there isn't currently a way to cap voicemail after x amount of time/minutes and that I should vote on the idea to do that. However, I just found this past post where a Ringcentral customer talks about the max voicemail time being 3 minutes. I may be confused, but it seems like they are talking about the exact issue I'm trying to resolve: making it so callers can't leave a voicemail (most are blank) for 10 or even 15 minutes. https://community.ringcentral.com/ringex-phone-sms-fax-6/duration-of-voicemail-recording-times-user-experiences-ongoing-product-concern-6286
eWareness commented
Hello. We've been with you for many years. Out of the blue, last night we started getting voicemails coming in that are upwards of 12 to 15 minutes long that are completely blank. We've never received a voicemail that's been longer than 2 or 3 minutes. We seem to be getting these long, bogus voicemails more and more since last night. Not sure if there is an issue with your system. How do we fix this problem. I'm afraid that these bogus voicemails will continue to increase an continue to waste our minutes. Thank you in advance! From reading this "idea"... it seems like this is not an idea but an issue. Thank you!