Ability to generate report that tracks an agents status throughout the day, like when they're available/not available/ on DND etc
I would suggest that it be added to the reporting/analytics as it could help determine if a missed call is a tech issue or a lack of agent issue.

Andrew commented
I think this is a must-have as with Working from home this is so difficult to track, I would like to know whos swinging the lead by just sitting on DND
Aneesh Khan commented
I would like to be able to look at a daily history of the times when my agents were in available/busy/do not disturb/ etc. This way, I can determine why there is call volume disparity during overlapping shifts despite being on a rotating queue. This can also allow me to go over missed calls with agents and determine why they were not available.
Diego commented
Have visibility on what time each user logged in (i.e. available) and logged out (i.e unavailable) on the Queue. Currently we can see the time when inbound and outbound calls took place but do not see for a given day the details when a user was available and unavailable. Users have expectations on when they need to be available and we want to make sure they comply.
Anthony commented
A feature in web portal for checking the RC app status if it is offline or online
Alan commented
is it possible to report on queue members and whether they are active or not, or for how long in a timeframe they have not been available for queues they are part of
Jason commented
We have several supervisors that were able to monitor a user remotely to be able to see how much actual time a certain user was actually logged into their queue during their workday.
Minjeong commented
This is critical!
Chas commented
For our own internal review processes we would love to see the time a user spends in Busy/DND mode. Also a counter of calls that skip that user based on the "Busy" status.
Jerome commented
It would be very helpful to see the Time when the agents log in and out. In driving productivity in the business.
PK commented
Would love to see you guys add a default status that says "Lunch" and/or "Break" to Glip/chat funtionality so our employees don't have to manually type it every time since it's something we all do everyday.
Sharon commented
Within Performance reports it would be very handy to show when queue members log in and out of their queue for supervisors to view. The Audit Trail has this feature of all users but only Administrators have access to this.
Appointment Line commented
Knowing how long an employee is in Available or Unavailable Status is helpful, and may reflect call avoidance.
Sarah commented
For my call center, it would be helpful to see how much time the users are on DND and not receiving calls.
Roydin commented
Reporting on Agents' status and availability during the day. Agent 'A' available for 6hrs/ DnD for 2 hrs
CJ commented
There needs to be a dashboard that quickly shows whether a user is accepting queue calls or not. I am not so interested in their "staus" (ie available, DND, invisible, etc...) I need to be able to see whether an agent is accepting call queue's. I would also like to see have a KPI that shows "amount of time" not accepting queue calls.
Teddy Hamiprodjo commented
This a common and essential KPI when managing a call center, how is this not a measured metric?
Hannah commented
It would be great to determine time spent off phones due to breaks, lunches, meetings, outbound, ect. This would help calculate a more accurate agent schedule adherence.
John commented
In order to more effectively manage our call center environment, we could really use some reporting metrics on agent status data. For example, how long are agents logged in and available in the phone queues. Actual call data metrics are already available, but nothing is available to report on agent availability in the queue during a given time period.
Ashley commented
It would be nice to see how much time each extension is on DND
Axel commented
On, HUD. Please add the Live Total minutes and seconds Users are Engaged on a Call