Ability to generate report that tracks an agents status throughout the day, like when they're available/not available/ on DND etc
I would suggest that it be added to the reporting/analytics as it could help determine if a missed call is a tech issue or a lack of agent issue.

Jarrod commented
Seems easy enough to implement this, all the data is there, just give us the report.
Jenn commented
Based on my research online, it appears a prebuilt report for this exact purpose was available at one point - it was called the Agent Activity Overview report. But I cannot locate it, it must have been removed. Can you please add the ability to report on agent states over a period of time? This is a crucial KPI for a contact center. Thanks!
Chellie commented
We have a lot of agents working virtually. There is the ability to see something similar in the audit trail. Something of this nature incorporated into the reports would be very productive for management to be able to monitor staff more easily.
Roman commented
There needs to be a way to easily run a report showing actual performance metrics. Right now you can run a report that shows how many abandoned calls a queue had over a period of time. But to see why each call was abandoned or what happened on the call, you have to run several different reports. The call log by itself does not show how each call was routed and what happened on the calls. For example, if you have a queue with 15 users in it. You run a call log report to see how many abandonded calls you had last work week. You can see the call only after it hits that queue, you can't follow the entire call path to know how many times it was transferred or the path it took to get to that queue. And then you can only see the agents it rang for that call. You cannot see the status of all of the agents in the queue at that time. So if only 3 of the 15 agents in that queue were available at that time, the call log will only show those 3 agents. It will not show if the other 12 were on a call at that time or if they were in do not disturb, logged out, etc. You have to run separate reports to get this info and then manually match all of it up. This should be an easy to view report. Please add this.
Deby commented
With all my agents working from home this is a crucial statistic to hold them accountable.
Bao commented
Hello, any update on this request? This feature is important for all Admins/Supervisors that are running reports to ensure that there is accountability on productivity and use of time in each state as well as % of availability, not ready, lunch, break, after call work and total login time for payroll validation purposes. Most of the phone cloud applications that I've used have this as a standard report, any way to move this up to higher priority?
Shamir commented
Please make this available ASAP
Dan commented
Really surprised to find this report is not available.
Melissa commented
A must.
Aleks commented
Stephane commented
It's strange that this system, with its multitude of options, can't provide this much-needed information. I've worked in several other systems and this option is standard with the system. I hope you can make this option available in the near future.
Trevon commented
Ability to generate reports that track an agents status historically, like when they're available/not available.
Ken commented
This Should be a MUST report! What are my employees doing during the day ? Why are we missing some phone calls ? This would give the ability to look into who is punching out for what reasons at certain times of the day.
Have the ability to show totals for the day how long they were on DND , Away Etc...PLEASE Agree this is a very important report .
Main commented
Please make this available asap
Ken commented
How often does an employee go on Do Not Disturb, Invisible etc... This is key info!
Christine commented
We would like to be able to generate a report for users to see if how often the go into the invisible status
Samara commented
YES, very much needed
Shaun commented
I have requested this a handful of times, it would be a massively helpful stat to have to hand through the API to display efficiencies.
Aaron commented
We have just switched over and this is a critical metric for a call center!!!
Beth commented
This needs to be a native report available to all admins. Also the ability to see how much time a rep spends on DND in an actual report feature, not an afterthought that is stuck under "more".