Custom Emojis
It's a fun thing for a team to do, it's a feature in Slack that we all miss.

Maggie commented
Being able to upload png and gif emojis is a feature sorely lacking in RC. It is a feature Slack has and one that is greatly missed. I've been very vocal on the lacking components RC has compared to Slack, which all three of my previous companies used. Please bring us this ability!!! (Pretty please??)
James commented
This feature shoould be reimplemented ASAP
Daniel commented
Reminder: They used to be a feature before RC forced everyone to move to a new, unfinished product.
Daniel commented
It is pretty upsetting. I make sure to rate the whole app 1 star and put in the reason in the comments every single time I'm asked---and direct others to do so.
Wendelin commented
Please bring back custom emojis as we have been Ring Central clients for many years and those users who had Ring Central in the early days set their custom emojis and we can still see those emoji's in RC conversations with those users. We have many other users inquiring as to how to add a custom emoji to their status and we have to tell them that Ring Central phased it out in subsequent iterations. I always get that "disappointed face" when I tell them, clearly making a judgement about Ring Central as a company. For morale, please bring it back. Thanks!
Daniel commented
So I've noticed that there also isn't any Pride Flag Emojis. That's rather disappointing, especially during Pride Month. Just another readon custom emojis should be allowed, if RC won't be promoting such things..
Chris commented
We NEED custom emojis! How can we communicate without them? Help us make it happen RingCentral!
Daniel commented
If anyone's paying attention to this idea still, vote for the new one I made to just...put them back, at least.
Daniel commented
Custom Emojis are no longer available in the new RingCentral. This is very sad. :( I had spent a lot of time and work taking little icons I had and turning them into emotes.
Daniel commented
They were available in RingCentral Classic, but are not in the new RingCentral. I liked being able to take my own icons and make emotes out of them.
The other Benjamin commented
I would post a frustrated emoji face for this feature being removed in the new app, but, as such, I can't. It is a endless loop of sadness.
Alice commented
Why would you remove a feature that already worked, people used, and is included in competitor's products? (custom emojis in messaging)
Sara commented
We had custom emojis on the old app, why aren they in the new one??? We have several custom ones we use all the time. Please bring them back.
Elyse commented
we want custom emojis! pretty please. it will be a fun feature to ease the planned transition from our current internal messaging app.
Joe commented
Custom Emoji's "was" a feature... and, it was way more than a morale booster -- we relied on it to convey important things, not covered by the standard emoji's. So, please bring the feature back, Thank You 😬
Thanks for your feedback, Dan. The more details and use cases the better. Joe, Custom Emojis are not a feature at this time. The idea was merged with other ideas requesting Custom Emojis. This is under "Future Consideration" by the product team and we'll update this idea when we have further details.
Joe commented
My ticket was merged with this one... and this ticket seems to imply that Custom Emojis already work for messaging, and people want to also use them in Statuses. However, I don't see the ability to add or use custom emojis in messaging ..So, what am I missing here?
Daniel commented
We also use custom emoji's for statuses as well. Its not just a morale or fun thing, its also utility.
Joe commented
RingCentral "Classic" had the ability to add custom emojis to your chatting... the feature wasn't put in the updated version of RingCentral -- it was very useful, and our company had many re relied on.Looked something like the attached image... You uploaded the emoji image, and gave it a custom name... then anyone could use it with standard emoji syntax, :<emoji-name>:Loosxwd`ee attached image
Daniel commented
Custom Emojis can already be added and used in Messaging. Why not have them available in the user status as well?