Call Queue Manager permissions
we currently do only have 3 permissions which can be assigned for Call Queue Manager.- Full Access- Member management- Messages someone who would need to have both Member management & Message permissions we have to assign that person Full Access which surpasses what is actually needed by a lot.What would help is if we could customize those permissions or if we could assigned one person with 2 permissions.Thanks

Peter commented
Please note that this did look like a bug as noted by the product team; however, our SEs verified that this is working as designed based off of JIRA UIA-264168
Peter commented
as the customer noted and I believe to be logical, if a call queue manager has full access, they should see any and all call queue managers for the specific queue regardless if they are set to the same or different "site"
Peter commented
Adding to this though a call queue manager can not see other managers of the queue that they manage with full permissions granted for the call queue. They need to have phone system group permissions to see and edit other managers of the call queue they manage though is an issue as some customer do not want a call queue manager to see and manage all call queues as well. The call queue full permission should allow them to do this or there should be another option below full access that does not allow them to do and see the other call queue managers but full access should.