Add an option to disable the 911 warning
The Desktop App prompts our user multiple times per day to warn them about 911 even though they have addresses configured. Can we get an option to disable the warning or at least snooze it for X number of days? Support is telling me that this is a FEATURE not a BUG.
Tony commented
I understand the reason for the alert. However, when a user is not changing locations there should be an option to disable this alert.
Confidential Mailbox commented
Yes Please, this is Lame if you have filled out the info properly
Marshall commented
Please give the option to remove this!
Patrick commented
Yes for the love of God please disable this stupid alert
Tim commented
I thought this HAD to be a ssetting I couldn't find. It's nuts that I Have to hit this every time!
Anthony commented
This is terribly annoying please stop making me click through this notification several times a day.
Oscar commented
This is a great product but that E911 alert is incredibly annoying. It can't be that hard to add a disable feature.
Joe commented
This needs to be put in place sooner rather than later. I can see an IP check to see if changes have occurred since last log-in, but not as much as we're seeing it.And, if an IP check is done, look to the subnet to see if it's outside the /24 or /26- sometimes people have blocks assigned to them. :)
Franz Ferrey commented
It would greatly benefit standard users in way that it would let them know that they don't have to update their address every time they have to login