Call goes from one queue to another, and on the second queue it would show the original queue in the caller id field
-Customer calls and rings QueueA -on all users in QueueA, their phone shows QueueA and customer number for caller id -if no one answers the calls in a specific wait time, the call is transferred to QueueB -on all users in QueueB, their phone currently shows QueueB and customer number for caller id Question - How can I get all users in QueueB phoness caller id info show what queue overflowed to their queue. Example- i would like it to show Queue A and customer number. Reason- I want to have multiple Queues overflow calls to one centralized queue, but i would like the queue members in the central queue to know what queue these calls are originating from. Since I would have multiple queues overflowing calls to this centralized queue, they would be able to tell which queue(in our company it would be location based) what location overflowed to them, to help better serve our customers.