Contact presence should be more descriptive than just a colored dot
Contact presence should show words like available, unavailable, in a meeting, etc beyond just the colored dot. Currently, when dialing a phone you have to click on the contact name to see the presence status. Also, a gray dot may not be readily understood.

Inclement Weather commented
Grey is very misleading and some people think someone is offline when they simply are in the invisible status. This way people can see someone wants some quiet time but is still working. When it shows offline for those that are truly offline as well as those that are in the invisible status... just looks deceiving.
Bill commented
Themes for the new Desktop App (CUSTCOM-I-701)
Bill commented
On the non-classic RingCentral app Version: Web, Windows,the availability status "Invisible" is, well, invisible.Problem:When viewing the DIRECT MESSAGES list of members, the color differences between the green and gray dots are very challenging to see.The "High contrast theme" setting is very slightly better, as the green is a brighter neon green.It is especially challenging to differentiate once the member is clicked, and the blue rectangle highlights that member status and name.Two options to fix this:If the status is "Invisible",then instead of the gray circle, display nothing.(no circle and no color) Just like how the DIRECT MESSAGES conversations with more than one member display now, with no circle in the status column.For the three availability status' icons,which are: Available, Do Not Disturb, and Invisible,use:a green circle icon for Availablea red dash icon for Do Not Disturba white (transparent) triangle outline icon for InvisibleAlso, building on Craig's request for words:when you hover on the availability status icon, have a tooltip popup,with the status description.
Hours commented
There is a different experience in contact presence in each app. The Desktop app shows a colored symbol when you search for a name, shows a persistent status if you have a conversation started or when you enable HUD. It would be useful if company contact showed all contact presence. The office 365 Chrome extension is a good example of what the presence list should look like in all apps.