Ability to delegate permission to manage a specific group(s)
It would be nice to be able to give an individual or a role the ability to manage specific group(s), not all of a type of group. For example, give a manager the ability to manage their own Call Monitoring group for who is in the Users that can monitor area but not all of the other Call Monitoring groups. This would allow the manager to let, for example, their new employees listen-in on calls during training and then remove them as needed, without submitting a request for the IT team and/or to an authorized [delegated] Call Monitoring group administrator, repeatedly.

Elyse commented
This is sorely needed, I need to be able to give managers access to some queues, users, and templates but not ALL queues, users, and templates. PLEASE.
Rinny Dela Cruz commented
options to
setup a new roles for a User to view only the call logs
or recording of a certain call queue