Extend the Share Voice Co-Recipient functionality to selectively allow for both group processing and copied delivery
The ask is to create two types or classifications of Shared Voicemail Co-Recipients. The first type would allow for group processing of voicemail messages. The other type would simply allow users to just receive a copy of the voicemail. Ideally, this would all be within the RC App and work for Users, Call Queues, and Message-Only extensions. This could be helpful for customers that have an after-hours on-call support team who manages and follows up on voicemail messages. It is imperative that the voicemail be labeled correctly, so they know what users, queue, or message-only extension voicemail received the message. For example, a Virtual Extension is used to capture voicemail. The Co-Recipients of this voicemail need to be able to process these messages as a collective, transparent group. If one of the co-recipients reads the voicemail, it should show as read for all of the other users. Ideally, all of the users would see who it was that marked the voicemail as read. There may also be hybrid Users, Call Queues, and Message-Only extensions that require both the group processing of voicemail messages and also have the need to just receive a copy of the voicemail messages that they can process on their own time.