Read notification for RingCentral messages

Ryan commented
Using Teams for chat/messaging till RC has read receipts; this is highly needed!
Lauren commented
This seems like one of the easiest features that could be added. It would be very helpful especially working in a remote setting. Seems like this has a lot of interest and seems like a necessary basic feature to add.
Josiah commented
Just for the sake of feature parity, I would assume this would be added ASAP. This is an important function in our company and when we switched to RingCentral, we actually moved back in functionality. I would hope this gets added soon.
Ken commented
We currently use teams for messaging, However using multiple apps sucks but having Read Receipts so you can tell when an employee reads your note is very important
Ross commented
I'm a little surprised that this one is still "not on any upcoming roadmaps". 128 votes would seem to show some enthusiastic interest. Looking forward to when you share the update that it's in development. I appreciate the hard work your team is putting into the app, and I do get that if it was easy to implement you would have done it by now.
Bianca Brooks commented
I would like to see it for both direct messages and Teams. We are spread out and it would be very helpful if I could tell if someone received my message without having to call them to make sure.
Alastair commented
Indicators for both direct and team messages would be ideal as follows but 'direct messages' is the most essential.DIRECT - So if you send a colleague an important message then you can see if they have read it before picking up the phone to them to chase themTEAM - Would be useful to see who has seen the message and be sure all have been alerted. A perfect example of this is when today I updated our key servers and want to be sure all users have taken note of my message warning before I start.I agree with the other posts that there should be a way to disable team or direct messages individually. Perhaps in the 'new message' area there could be a tick option to indicate if this message should be tracked as to if users have read it - defaulted to the setting you have set at application-level for each of these types of confirmation, but allowing a per-message override. But if this per message setting is too complicated then ALL messages should have this applied to them.To compliment your current message functionality, where it indicates that a message has been edited (and the time if you hover over that notification), the icon / user picture should also indicated when each person read it. That way you can tell if the user has read the edit or read the previous version - it may make quite a difference depending on how much you have edited the message.
Bobbie commented
I would like to see for both Direct Messages and Teams messages. If you can show a little version of the profile pic icon with a checked overlay, that may be a way to do it and not have it be too invasive if there are many members in a team chat. Kind of the way Facebook Messenger does it...
Buck commented
Ideally it would be for both with the option to turn them on or off separately.
Evie commented
Would like to see the option for both direct messages and Teams with the option to disable for teams or automatically turn off when team is past a certain size (ie. 20+ members).
Ellie commented
All major chat platforms (Teams, 8x8, Slack, Rocketchat, etc) have read receipts, a visual indicator to tell you if the recipient of your message has viewed it. Have moved from those platforms, we're really missing this feature.
Ellie commented
The subject is erroneous. This is not just for " Glip" All major chat platforms (Teams, 8x8, Slack, Rocketchat, etc) have read receipts, a visual indicator to tell you if the recipient of your message has viewed it. Have moved from those platforms, we're really missing this feature.
Francis Obille commented
You don't need to follow-up to the person or group of people if they have read the message sent.
Buck commented
It would be great to be able to select whether or not you'd like to have the sender know if you've read their message without responding. This would be exceptionally helpful for when on video calls.
Silver commented
Just wanted to see if there has been an update on this feature. It would be very helpful for supervisors to have this feature to monitor staff activity based on the (read) notification
Sebastien commented
Do you have any recent view on that feature request?I see that back in may 2022 there was no firm date known, is there anything plan for 2023?
Amira commented
So that, I will know if the recipient already read my message.
Andy commented
This is much needed and feels like such basic functionality - feels crazy that it was first suggested over two years ago and still hasn't been implemented!This is the one major blocker remaining for us switching the whole company completely to RC.
Jordan commented
This would be brilliant, this is the biggest complaint we have on users staying with teams. It would be great to have this implemented so we can finally ditch teams and stick to one solution!
Joe commented
Please add this functionality ASAP, we want our 200 users to adopt this ASAP over Teams!