Bulk Delete All Voicemails
Imagine a world where you can click on one of your nearly infinite voicemails, then hitting ctrl-a (or just clicking on the 'select all' button).Now you've got like 1,245 voicemails from jealous ex's, desperate vendors, and unrequited direct supervisors. They are all selected. Now absolve yourself from the weight of these disconnected communication attempts, tugging on the last threads of your sanity. When you select all, you don't even need to see who is calling. Just delete that BS. Get it gone from your life. Catharsis in a button. Bonus points for the developer that adds a toilet flushing sound to the "Delete All Voicemails" button. This toilet only flushes. It never backs up. It can swallow anything.
Keri commented
It does not look like this has been implemented in the current version of the desktop app, 24.3.302.12076 Windows (x64). This would be extremely helpful in saving our employee's time if implemented again.
Alec commented
bulk delete all extenstion vaocemails at once
Mary Beth commented
There was not an option in system to delete voicemails in bulk from desktop phone after we had been out of office working remotely for 4 months on mobile app. 150 and there was not a select all.We were out of the office using mobile app and had listened and responded to all voicemails. App was great. But when we returned to the office and desktop Polycom phones the message indicator was blinking. In the Admin system with a RC rep there was no option to do a bulk delete so I had to select each of the 150 voicemails to clear. Also, we had saved messages we would have liked to have saved but were unable to distinguish.
Keith commented
There used to be a feature that would auto delete any voicemail less than 5 seconds. It was very useful to eliminate wasting time on hang-ups.
Ryan commented
Delete hundreds of voicemails at once vs one at a time
Paige Hunkins commented
There needs to be an added feature where you can delete multiple voicemails at a time.
Customer commented
Do not enjoy using 4 pins to log into all the extensions individually to do it.
Karen commented
saves time
IT commented
we are looking for a way to group select voice mail messages in order to delete them. There does not appear to be a way to do this via web or app
Rob commented
Have an option to select multiple or select all voicemails and mark them as read.
Anonymous commented
Multiple selection is available in the mobile app and I believe was available in the classic desktop app, but was not included in the new desktop app
Chad commented
You used to be able to do this. Why was it changed? Please change it back.