Forward ignored call queue calls to voicemail
A feature in which the ignored call queue call to forward to voicemail instead of ringing back to call queue

Ben commented
Very important update, surprised this is not yet a feature. This would be useful to mobile users so take native calls on devices but also recieve calls via RingCentral and then cannot send them to voicemail. Smaller teams would beenfit from this feature asap
Danis commented
Right now, calls routed to a call queue cannot be sent right to voicemail. You can hit Ignore and the pop-up will close for one second, but will continue to pop up multiple times. You will have to continue to hit ignore until it runs through its ring cycle. I did reduce the number of rings to three, but I still have to click ignore three times. This is disruptive if we are busy or in a meeting, as we don't want multiple laptops and mobile phones ringing many times.
al commented
this is a critical feature. currently ignored calls ring the next call in the queue and continue to all phones in the queue.
thank you