An overview, within the User Settings, of all group memberships.
Have an additional read-only tab in the User Settings section called "Memberships", broken down into all types of Group, e.g. Queues, Call Pickup, Park Locations etc, that lists out which the user belongs to. This would save the admin(s) from clicking through each Queue in turn to find all members, much like in the Custom Role overview, where all user assigned the Role can be viewed.
Matt LaHatt commented
Administrators need to see what Call Queues, Monitoring Groups, Shared Line Groups, Delegate Line Groups, Call Delegates, and Intercoms a user is a part of. Adding a new section to User Settings that shows Admin what Groups a user is a part of would rectify this. Additionally, it would be helpful to deep link the groups, so that Admins can jump directly into settings for that group or feature.
Martin commented
Adding the ability to view a user's queue membership by viewing the user profile in the admin portal. Rather then go to each queue and seeing if the user is a manager or a member. It would also be nice if we could assign a user to a queue in their user profile as well. Rather than go to the queues and add them as managers or members.
Susan commented
I would be helpful to have member lists for the same members that are in multiple ring groups. We have several ring groups that perform different routing depending on day of the week, time of day, etc. These ring groups will always have the same members. On previous phone systems I was able to create member lists and add the member list to hunt groups. This feature allowed for updating members once as opposed to updating each ring group individually as is with RingCentral.