SMS: Copy entire text message conversation with sender name & Number and date-time
All manner of business is being conducted via SMS. As a lawyer, I often have to go back and show what the conversation was, what was actually said. Others also have this need. ParticularThe information is already there and available. All that is needed is a "copy" button that will copy the conversation so that it can be pasted into a wordprocessor for saving. (Nicely formated print to PDF would be lively, but baby steps)Similar idea exists with 61 votes as of today " SMS: print option for text messaging" But asks for printing. This new post to ask for something more modest.

Patton commented
For those getting updates on this issue, as of 4/1/2024, this feature is now available in the web app ( not sure about desktop app or whatnot. Once you select messages, you you now have an added option to export.I'm not sure when this was updated, but only w/in the last couple of weeks. If not working for you, do a forced reload of the page.
Than you, thank you , thank you to the RC Devs for finally getting this enabled.
Veronica commented
Ugh. I just found out that RingCentral only keeps 5000 messages. I need to retain copies of these. RingCentral could easily at least allow us to get an email with outgoing text messages. PLEASE FIX THIS.
Patton commented
So this was coming in Q2 of 2023. We are now in the middle of Q4. Status update?? I can use the web app to select all sms messages for a customer. Once selected I can forward them. Or I can delete them. But I can't copy them? It's been YEARS, SMS with clients / customers is a core feature. Can this PLEASE be made to work?
Main main Jordan commented
- cx wants to copy the sms together with its details using the RingCentral app-In this way if they copy the SMS it also contains the date and time.
Jinny commented
We need to have this feature for legal purposes.
Tommy commented
Where is the update???
Amy commented
Is there an update on this? The Admin Jessica Hernandez noted it was coming December 2022 on Sep 19, 2022 but I still do not see that functionality.Please provide SOON!
Coming December 2022: the ability to export and save SMS conversations.
DeAnn commented
I agree that this is a needed feature and would like to be informed if this feature becomes available, or if anyone knows a work around for this issue. Thank you.
Justin commented
This is now MANDATORY for Real Estate agents to send all text communication logs to the Department of Real Estate. So far i have to screenshot several hundreds of pages and send to my broker (for DRE) to be compliant. This needs to be implemented son or RC will loose tens of thousand clients, including me
Justin Capizzi commented
As a Realtor... a new DRE requirement is to download/export our text/SMS log and upload to a cloud system for Broker and DRE viewing. So if this cannot be implemented, RC will loose tens or thousands of clients.
Brad commented
Having the ability to backup/export/print SMS conversations along with the name/number and date/time of correspondence is very crucial.
Door intercom commented
So we can copy entire text threads into one email. If you have a long conversation
Tina commented
Yes how is this not already an option :( I'm a lawyer too and it's so necessary for our business. They do have the Archiver which will at least back up all of the messages, but it won't work with standard office accounts.
Barb commented
I'm in IT and run a project desk. Being able to save text messages and output into even HTML would be amazing and searchable. Invaluable in gathering field details...
Tonya commented
I'm a lawyer too. I need to be able to prove I communicated with my client. I incorrectly assumed that texting in RingCentral would make that easy with a download feature similar to call logs.I need to be able to download all text messages like the call log I receive monthly with the content of all texts in an excel file that can be sorted by phone number.