Allow option to remove call queue managers from receiving call queue notifications
When adding a manager to a call queue from an existing user account in RingCentral, I would like to be able to have the option to remove them from receiving notifications (Voicemails, Faxes, SMS, etc). Currently, there is no way to do this.
Hi all, as Alex said you can configure notifications to only send notifications to specified emails and you can enter multiple email addresses separated by semi colon. I confirmed with our call queue product manager that this workaround will be how this request is addressed.
Alex commented
On the voicemail configuration, you can select 'Managers and Specified Emails' or 'Specified Emails Only'. I want to give regional managers the ability to manage all of their offices call queues. But I don't want to have every single queue voicemail notification go to these regional managers.If I select 'Managers and Specified Emails' I want to be able to turn on and off specific managers from receiving the notification.Right now, I have to select 'Specified Emails Only' and manually type in all of the users that I have already selected as 'Messages' access managers for the queue.
Mike commented
Setting up RingCentral for the first time and absolutely blown away that this is not an option. Voicemails to a shared ring group should go to a shared location - insane that it goes to a manager (who, unless it's a very small team, probably isn't the one dealing with voicemails anyway) and that you can't disable it.
Cliff commented
Rylie, You got my hope up. I thought this was finally solved, but it's not. We want managers to not get email but the specified email for the queue to get the emails. This is not possible with current settings.
Elyse commented
Rylie, thanks for the note but this is not the request. We need more granular control, not the all or nothing option you are describing that is already available. I do see the option to add additional emails for alerts in the queue but it's still all or nothing for the managers and any additional emails designated. Instead, I want to be able to opt each manager in or out of notifications separately per their preference. So far I have gotten around this by opting everyone out of notifications in the queue, and adding notifications on the message only box that I'm routing the message to. But ideally, the control would be available in the queue, so that my queue managers could manage it themselves easily.
Jeremy commented
Hello-what I would like to see are those same options available to anyone we have assigned as a Manager to the queue- we are receiving notifications doubled/ sometimes tripled when we have a destination for all of the needed notifications- but we also need all of our management Team to be able to manage our queues-but to limit these notifications from going directly to them
Nicholas commented
My screen looks different. It has a section for the Call Queue Manager. And from what I can tell I have to have a manger. So if I uncheck the option to not get voicemail notifications, no one gets it. I want the user listed in the Email section to get the messages but not the manager
Michael commented
@Admin - the screenshot you have posted is different to what my admin portal looks like. I'm in the UK if that makes any difference. I have no option to untick the manager's email address
Deleted user commented
If you uncheck that, then how do you get VMs to go to others?
Rylie commented
Hello,This feature is available. You have to uncheck the permission through your admin web portal. Please check this link to know more
Michael commented
As the manager of a call queue I receive a notification email when there is a missed call, voicemail, etc. I would like the option to disable these emails and have them sent to an alternative email address
Jonathan commented
I've configured a call queue for our a particular team. They are requesting that the full-access managers of the call queue to not receive notifications of missed calls, text messages, or voicemails. They want the notifications to only go to a email address in which is already configured on the call queue. RC Support confirms that this functionality does not exist, and will force-send the selected notifications to the managers. I am requesting for this functionality to be integrated in call-queue management for better control.
Jeremy commented
The ony way we can remove the manager's email address under notifications is to remove the managers under the user details. Requesting for the option to customize the email address of the managers instead of automatically sending them email notification would be better.
Ben commented
This is definitely a need for us. Posting to bump this, if possible...
Cliff commented
There are several ideas for this. CUSTCOM-I-524 , CUSTCOM-I-1081
Aaron commented
Here to request this as well, I am shocked that there isn't an advanced settings option per queue.
Deleted user commented
I've had to delete my queue managers because they don't want the notification emails, they are supposed to go to a seperate mailing list, not the person managing the members.
Jaclyn commented
When you add a user to a call queue, the user gets an email notification stating "they have been added." We'd like the option to turn that off since we edit our call queues quite frequently so users are bombarded with emails.
Santhosh commented
As a manager of a call queue, I am receiving message notifications even though there is a dedicated email address that is set up for this purpose
Catrina commented
I need to assign voicemails to an email outside of the assigned managers of the queue. I do not want the emails to go to the managers.