HUD List Vertical Format vs Horizontal Format option
Request the HUD list be available in vertical tile format versus horizontal tile format without having to manipulate the HUD list after popping it out.

Dave commented
Yes! Like it used to be.
S commented
And also parks/contacts on the same window!
Kevin commented
The change away from a list style is horrific. Makes that screen useless.
Scott commented
Agreed! More flexibility over all how to arrange HUD users is a MUST!
Tim commented
It would be great if users could change format in settings to customize it how they like best. I personally think the vertical format was better - easier on the eyes. Thanks
Laura commented
Absolutely stunned that they thought this horizontal layout was appropriate. Bring back LIST style plz.
Ed commented
Yea, this new format is really tough on the yes. Just have them lined up vertically, like it used to be. Much better.