99 results found
Include RingCentral Teams in Teams RingCentral Plugin Contacts
In the RingCentral app in Contacts, you can create teams and view members' statuses. For some reason in the RingCentral Teams Plugin, this option is not available. Would be great to be able to view those teams in the plugin as well.
1 vote -
Exclude company contacts from being screened.
Callers will be asked for their name when call screening is enabled and the caller is not in the contact list. This feature only works for external calls and not for company contacts. Is there a way to exclude company contacts from being screened?
1 vote -
Last Name then First Name Layout in Contacts
Customer would like to have an option to have the LAST NAME show first before the FIRST NAME. They have 27,000 Contacts that can't be done manually.
2 votes -
external shared contacts
Ability to include other information when adding external contacts.
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Centralized External Shared Contacts Directory automatically remove duplicate contacts
Customer is requesting for the automatically removal of duplicate contact information on the centralized External Shared Contacts Directory. Since the admin is the only person who can add the contact on the admin portal and every users will gather all of their personal contacts, chances of Duplicate contacts will occur and customer wanted for the feature to automatically detect the duplicate contact and automatically removing those duplicate contact on the centralized External Shared Contacts Directory.
2 votes -
App contact sync to Personal phone contacts
Would like to transfer all contacts from ring central app onto personal phone and add a new contact either on RC or their personal phone it gets automatically added to one of the other.
1 vote -
favorites on top tab
In the contacts tab, have an option at the top for Favorites instead of combining with ALL. Also ability to create own group of contacts
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Export contact list from Polycom VVX series phone
to be able to export contacts list from the web UI of Polycom VVX series phones
1 vote -
Sync Mobile RC app and Desktop app personal contacts
I can get my apple iphone contacts on mobile app but they won't appear in the desktop app. why the two app versions can't sync contact lists seems unreal. please get it to where personal contacts from apple can be in the desktop app. went through support and they said that option doesn't exist. Thank you!
1 vote -
Quick Editing Contacts From Texting Inbox
Sometimes we need to Edit or View a contact when we are texting them or receiving a text from, You can't do this quickly in the Desktop app. You have go to Contacts, Look for the Contact then Utilize the Pencil etc.
Same process for viewing the Contact information while texting them. You can't see their information quickly.
I think the Contact Management of the Desktop App needs a lot of improvements.
1 vote -
contacts not showing up when call is forwarded to external number
we need the ringcentral saved contacts to reflect when the call is being forwarded to an external number, so we will know who is the person calling.
2 votes -
Filter Calls Content
Filter calls contents, block inappropriate contents
2 votes -
Creating contact group on admin portal but not reflecting in RingCentral App
Created a group under personal contacts but does not reflect in the Ring Central App
1 vote -
Transfering personal contacts to company contacts using admin portal
Have an option to transfer a contact from one category to another ( Example from personal to company)
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Export/ Share RingCentral mobile app contacts
I need to export my contact list. I am using the mobile app on my iPhone and there's no option to export or share my contacts
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Contact app preference for outgoing calls
My company uses RC on personal phones. Have a setting for each contact to preselect if RC or personal line should be used to make outgoing calls
1 vote -
Disable the display of External Shared Contacts directory contacts to a group of users.
Is there any way to disable the display of External Shared Contacts directory contacts to a group of users ?
I currently use the external shared contacts of Google (it a check box to enble) but the sync has troubles (+20k contacts). I would like to use the External Shared Contacts directory from ringCentral Directory integration but not all of our users need it.5 votes -
filter contacts
Customer would like to have the option to filter out his contacts from the RingCentral app. Filter in terms of the contacts that came directly from his phonebook and also a filter to sort out the ones that he saved directly from the RingCentral application
1 vote -
Ability to change the rate center of a number.
Ability to change the rate center of a number.
1 vote -
Assign extension to existing clients
Customer would like to have the option to assign an extension to their existing clients so they can dial the extension number to reach out to their clients instead of dialing the numbers
2 votes
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