Copy Custom Answering Rules to other Sites
My company has nine sites within RingCentral that all use the same Holiday schedule for office closures. Every year, I have to spend time manually inputting these hours into the custom answering rule I have for each location.It's Oct 31'st 2022 at time of writing, so to fill in the entries for all of next years Holiday’s requires the below # of clicks per date; New Years Day - 7 clicks total1 click to open the From calendar, 3 clicks on the arrow to get over to January, 1 click to select the 2nd and finish the From calendar, then another 2 clicks to select the To calendar and click the 3rd as the end day. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - 8 clicksSame as New Years Day, plus the click to add a new entry. Good Friday - 11 clicksPrimary Election Day - 12 clicksMemorial Day - 12 clicksIndependence Day - 14 clicksLabor Day – 16 clicksColumbus Day – 17 clicksGeneral Election Day – 18 clicksVeterans Day – 18 clicksThanksgiving Day/Lincoln's Birthday – 18 clicksChristmas Day/Washington’s Birthday – 19 clicksThis is 170 clicks per location, plus mouse wheel action to move the browser down to see the calendar, which is necessary once you have more than say 2-3 entries on the list. Lets call that another 7 clicks to do so since that’s also finger movement. 177 total clicks total.Times 9 sites equals 1593 freaking mouse clicks that I have to spend an hour or three doing.Thank Jesus I don’t actually need to put in specific times on each Holiday entry because holy crap, 30 clicks to go from 00 to 30 minutes? Get outta here.A couple other ideas;Why can't I paste into these date boxes? Even if I can't copy over these custom rules eventually, why am I forced into clicking everything here? Separate out the date and time fields if you must to enable pasting. Think of my poor mouse hand here!Or, allow the import of correctly formatted CSV or excel file so I can load the dates that way. Four columns, start date, start time, end date, end time which pre-fills the appropriately separated boxes from the prev suggestion.Gosh, if you’d just consider setting the To box’s default date to be the From date +1 day, that alone would save me almost 100 clicks in total.Even making the default date of the next rule be the same date as the preceding rule would cut down on clicks, to a point.This specific UI needs serious work, please consider all of my suggestions. I’m glad I only have to mess with the Holiday rules once a year because this takes hours, really bothers my wrist, and quite frankly generates spite on my side. All easily avoidable with some changes to the UI. Thanks.

James commented
At the very least a way to manually paste dates, this is the biggest time waste in the programming process.
Nathanael commented
Nine sites....Lucky! We are struggling with this on 150+ sites. I would LOVE to see this feature implemented ASAP.
James commented
Please extend the call handling template functionality to work with Site IVR's and Queues. I cannot apply templates to either of these today and it makes managing call-handling for multiple sites and queues incredibly time consuming.