External contacts in company directory
It would be nice to add external contacts within the company directory. We have a dozen contractors that we do not provide phones for and to be able to add their name and cell number in the company directory would be great to where we could dial by name (and even sms/mms their phone and all other features would be grayed out, etc.).

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Linda commented
How does this work if there are staff members who don't use RingCentral? We have a number of key staff who operate similarly to contractors and use their mobile most of the time. We want to have a complete set of contact info for all of our staff without putting them under "External Contacts". How is there not an option to simply be able to add in additional non-ring central numbers?
Bill commented
As other mentioned, very early stages but cool that RC has implemented something!
For RC engineers if you're reading this. In my previous system, from the admin console, we were able to build groups and have specific contacts under each group.
From the enduser perspective, they'd have a tab for each group, but that may not make sense the RC app. I could see another tab on the contacts page that says something like "External Contacts" and having the ability to add groups or individual contacts there.
I'd be happy to share screenshots of my previous system if any engineers wanted to reach out and get some input.
Hoa commented
It's a start. You can upload a CSV list and that is about it.
No options to append on an upload.
No options to manually edit the uploaded list
No options to create separate lists (ie you may want a customer list, supplier list, contractor list etc..). In addition to this, no option to assign lists to different users/groups.
You can upload a field like Business Name & Job Title but you can not search by Business Name or Job Title !!!It's a start but that's about it, sadly. I am sure if RC reached out to some of the people in the community who wanted this feature, they would have been happy to help test. Maybe if a dev is reading they could consider this in the future.
Nathan commented
What was delivered was the barest minimum sadly.
You cannot see the imported contacts to edit them, it is really intolerant of any spaces in your telephone numbers and MUST have the country code in all of them.
You have to keep manually updating them with a CSV! - not at all great. -
Yoann commented
Customer requested the ability for administrators to add external numbers to the company directory (visible to all).At present admons or users can add external numbers only as personal contacts. Customer wants to add external numbers that are visible to all ( for parts of their organisation that do not have RC yet).