Enable AI transcription on Desk phone
Have AI do notes when in call using physical desk phones

Ted commented
This should definitely be a feature available for hard phones as well considering you sell and rent them to your customers.
Anthony commented
This needs to be a priority!
David commented
Amazing tool, but it's vital that our desk phone folks be able to use it. Fast-track please!
Faith commented
A few people in our office use desktop phones instead of the app when making and receiving calls. We are at a disadvantage to the app users though because the AI notes do not work with the desk phones. I would love to take advantage of the feature without having to switch to using only the app.
Dr Rosanne Palermo commented
We just purchased desk phones from Ring Central, they are connected to our network and believe the AI features are very beneficial to our efficiency
Please add it to the hand set features
Thank you -
David commented
Please Enable AI transcription on Desk phone as soon as possible. Thank you in advance!
Katherine commented
While softphone is often replacing handsets, there are still a lot of handsets being used these days so it would be nice for AI notes to work with a handset if you answer with that device or make calls. It would be even better if it worked with desktop pairing. One of your target customers are users on Mitel/ShoreTel Connect who are used to controlling the handset with the desktop software.
Oscar Guillermo commented
I think a good chunk of users utilize the desktop phones (non desktop app). Phone calls placed using conference phones / desktop / non-webapp should still have AI Notes features available.
Rose Oquialda commented
Using AI Notes, some of the agents want to use the handset to answer phone calls, but it's not triggering AI Notes whenever they use the handset.
Jerri commented
The ability to have the AI assistant record and take notes while using a desktop phone.
Craig commented
Ability to use AI Smart Notes via App when speaking to a customer using your physical phone handset.