Multiple Voicemail Greetings
Please provide the ability to record more than one VM greeting, ex. Standard, Out-of-Office, and Extended Absence Greetings and then the option to select each as needed. Currently, I set a Standard VM greeting but when I am out-of-the-office, I have to record a different greeting which overwrites my Standard, and then I have to re-record that when I'm back in the office, and the cycle continues. This request benefits anyone who uses Voicemail.

April commented
How in the world is this not done yet⁉️
Alyssa commented
I already see this as a suggestion, but rather than comment, I am posting it again as a suggestion because that post is from 2020, and the option still doesn't exist. I am tired of having to constantly change my voicemail when out of the office or simply away from my desk. It would be great if we could have the option to save multiple custom voicemails.
Philippe commented
This should be a basic feature. Pretty crazy it hasn't been implemented yet
Pam commented
We need this feature for multiple versions of voicemail messages for several departments. This was a basic function on our last system.
Lauren commented
A great product feature enhancement would be the ability to record multiple voicemail away messages. This would allow me to have separate messages for when I’m temporarily away from my desk or out for a day, and another for when I’m on vacation. This enhancement would provide employees with a clearer understanding of my availability and whether they need to contact someone else in my absence. As far as I can tell, the only option right now would be to record over my normal away message and rerecord whenever I'm on vacation and I'd prefer to not have to do that.
Justin commented
Hard to believe that 3+ years later this feature hasn't been added. Seems quite basic to me, but RC must deem it a real pain to implement since it hasn't been implemented already.
Steve commented
I am getting a lot of negative feedback from users not having this feature
Kevin commented
Nathalie commented
We need several versions of mailbox announcements and it is annoying to have to discuss them again and again.
Peter commented
Most UC solutions I have worked on, cloud or on-prem, have supported this feature. It makes life much easier for the end user I they can pre-record different greetings and then choose the appropriate greeting when needed
Liza commented
I totally agree with this. I have never used a phone system that hasn't had this feature. Please add - I see that this has been open since 2020 - as Nike says: JUST DO IT!
Betty commented
Great idea - this would save users time from rerecording voicemail greetings. Very surprised that this basic feature is not available.
Shawn commented
I would really like to see this feature added.
Eric commented
Surprised this system doesn't support this. When I was testing the Teams PBX system and considering it with RingCentral as our voice provider, I was able to do this. It would be a very useful feature to have, especially with all the call control rules we have. Setting a specific greeting to call control rules could be useful when out of the office, or even to ensure internal calls get one VM greeting, and external calls get another.
Eric commented
The ability to set an Out Of Office voicemail greeting that automatically switches back to the Standard greeting at a selectable date and time would be ideal.
Dan commented
The option to record multiple voicemail greetings and easily switch between them. Specifically for an out-of-office scenario, it would be helpful to have a separate greeting users can switch to, and then switch back once they're available, instead of re-recording greetings every time.
Jerry commented
This feature is a must have and is seriously adversely affecting our user community. Considering other options as well since this is not progressed since Oct 2020.
DATACOMM commented
Another very simple Mitel feature missing with RingCentral. It sure would be nice to have real Call Handle option when changing Share Status. Out of Office, In a Meeting, Vacationing, etc. Each status setting should have custom call routing options based on the status. ie: Out of Office - Forward all calls to voicemail which is a different recorded greeting than In a Meeting status call routing.
Andy commented
After more than 5 years as a customer I'm seriously considering moving away from Ring Central because they don't offer this simple but essential feature.
Ben commented
I would agree. This is a very needed addition and doesn't seem like it should be that difficult.