102 results found
Notifications: Task assigned/reassigned to me
Allow notifications (email/desktop/mobile) when a new task is created and assigned to me, or when a task is reassigned to me. And add notification number/bubble on the task menu icon.Currently, I have to have notifications for all team messages- so the sheer number of notifications drowns out important information like a new task that I need to complete.
82 votes -
In the task window, you cannot move the side border, which is very inconvenient and prevents you from using your application.
Good afternoon, I really love your application, it will save me in difficult moments and makes me happy every day. And I would like to learn and help you improve it. I have encountered such a problem. In the task window, you cannot move the side border, which is very inconvenient and prevents you from using your application. Thank you for your attention, with hope for the best and all the best to you)
59 votes -
Add "Sections" back to Tasks in the new RingCentral App
In the new app.ringcentral.com platform, there is no way to add a "Section" to tasks. Our small company currently relies on Tasks in app.glip.com everyday to accomplish our daily responsibilities. We create a "Team" for every client we have. Sometimes the clients need a floorplan created, or an educational tutorial, or a bid for the job. We currently create the Tasks within the client's Team, but then organize the tasks by Section, such as "floorplan" or "education" or "proposal". The different sections helps us prioritize our tasks. For example, proposals are very important to return as quickly as possible, so…
45 votes -
Tasks - missing functionality
Can we get back the functionality where I'm able to edit tasks within the team/group/etc, and to be able to have categories/sections again? When converting to new app, sections are removed. Also, it would be nice to get the whole tab back where you can view completed, and pending separately. To add, you also can't comment on a specific task now.
36 votes -
Full Calendar in unified app to include scheduled video meetings
We have executive assistants who schedule video meetings for our executives and they can not see future meetings past the limited time line in the unified app. A full calendar that you could search, Day, Week, Month would be extremely helpful. Or add the ability to your meetings and the meetings you set up for others in the workspace calendar.
33 votes -
Technical Capability to Move and Share Tasks to Other Windows/RC Users and For Assignees to be Tagged in Their Own Window
One (1) task is shared by multiple assignees (RC Users), several departments are contributing to fully accomplish 1 task.In the old classic app, RC Users can share/move tasks to other RC Users' windows/glip. In the new app, we are unable to share/move the tasks.Additionally, in the new app, if we are adding assignees to a task, the new assignee/s will not be “tagged” in their own RC window; hence they will not have visibility to the task, consequently increasing the probability of not seeing and completing the said task/s.Who would benefit from it?Our Clients: Promises will be fully delivered by…
28 votes -
Add Sub-Task
Allow to add sub-tasks under tasks. And also sub-sub-task under sub-task.
25 votes -
Convert message to task
Please include the convert message to task feature currently available in the existing app.
24 votes -
Store Microsoft Exchange connection data
When (re-)connecting the RC application to a Microsoft Exchange account, the user has to provide the following data in order to complete that task successfully:
- their email address or domain\username
- their password
- their Exchange server version
- their exchange EWS url
Out of these four (or five, if you count emails and domain\user separately), many users will have two readily available: email and password; some maybe even only know their password.
This is because:
- their username (which could be their email address) is stored on their computer's login screen, and they are only asked for their password on login
- they have…
18 votes -
add calendar, tasks, notes, files to left task bar (like in classic app at bottom left)
calendar and task views control everything we do and need to be able to view "all events" which we color-code
18 votes -
View list of scheduled meetings WITHOUT connecting to third party calendar
For those of us who use a different calendar (e.g., iCal) or those who don't want to connect third party services, it seems really silly that you can't see your list of scheduled meetings by default. Not being able to see scheduled meetings without a calendar connection makes it tricky to find the meeting in order to launch said meeting... unless you have saved a copy of the invite somewhere when you first create the scheduled event (I assume?)Also tricky to make any changes to that scheduled meeting... I don't understand how this isn't already a feature!
16 votes -
A Group Calendar and a separate tab Calendar
Hello, actually this is an existing feature of RingCentral App. This is super helpful knowing the upcoming events or any tasks for a specific event. In our team we use this calendar for leaves.
15 votes -
Tasks - Bring back comments under the tasks for F/ups
A function that didn't follow the new version and would be great to have again, is to be able for the team to add comments under the tasks, to keep track and share info about the task
14 votes -
Filter tasks in the sidebar
A long list of tasks (complete and incomplete) in the sidebar of a team is not very helpful when there are dozens of tasks. It should be possible to filter them here (complete, section, person, due date) as well as in a summary task management window.
11 votes -
Add ability to add Comments to Tasks
Allow for "Add Comment" on Tasks, including threaded replies
11 votes -
Ring Central really needs to integrate with a Calendar App.
I have been searching high and low. We have Acuity and there is only a Zapier type of thing but it doesn't do anything to help. This is HUGE Zoom integrate with all Calendar apps.
10 votes -
We need to be able to reply to tasks!
In the previous version of the RingCentral app, we're able to leave message updates in relation to given tasks. This new version doesn't have that, and it makes keeping tasks organized super tricky!
10 votes -
Schedule Meeting Using Default Mac OSX Calendar with RingCentral
Good morning,We would like to schedule meetings using our default mac osx calendar with our RingCentral GLIP app, opposed to using Office 365 or Google. When will GLIP integrate with Apple's Mac OSX Calendar? This is a very need feature we would find very helpful if implemented.
10 votes -
Synchronize Workspace Calender with 0ffice 365 or google calender.
It will allow users to have an overview of the synchronized calender in one go and using only one application.
10 votes -
Task Notifications / Reminders / Alerts
The task function is great but my employees forget to check tasks on regular basis so we DESPERATELY need a task notification feature. Here is how I would implement:Show notification for how many open tasks assigned to me on the left shelf task / notes / events icon. The notification should look similar to what a team/direct message notification looks like with a number for how many open tasks. It should have different colours depending on due status. Grey notification with number of tasks if task is due in the future or has no date. Orange notification if any tasks…
9 votes
- Don't see your idea?