Position in Queue, Estimated wait time, and Call queue caller call back feature
In order to reduce missed calls in call queues, an option for clients to push '1' for a callback but keep their place in line is needed.

Brian commented
We absolutely could use this feature for our call queue.
Homert commented
Please apply thi feature to RIngCX as well.
Gregory commented
CX needs the ability to play the callers place in the queue ("you are the 12th caller") at any point while a caller is in a queue on hold and waiting for an agent. They should then get the option to continue waiting, have an agent call them back when an agent is next available, or schedule a call back for another time/day. This is VERY typical behavior for contact centers and has become expected by callers.
Vielka commented
Volume of customers and services have increased and the need to provide effective customer service is a "must". Placing a "Queue" system will be a plus.
Ari commented
needed feature
Karl commented
Instead of the caller waiting in a call queue on the phone, have the ability for them to use a key press that keeps their position in the call without them having to be on the phone. Then they receive a call back from the call queue member when their call reaches the front of the call.
David commented
i support this request, great idea. customer can ask to be called back instead of waiting, could be as easy as us receiving an email stating "call back this number queue position x"
PB-610 Kelly commented
I would like to have it so the callers know what position they are in in the Queue . For example: You are caller # 4 average holding time 2 minutes. Etc...
Marylaine commented
The customer wanted to have this feature for their caller to know if the queue list is progressing while they are waiting for someone to answer the call.
KingWest commented
Patients/customers complain they don't know how long their wait is or where they are in the queue. This should be something you have so patients/customers have an idea of how much longer they have to wait or how long they may have to wait.
Andre commented
When a client calls and is holding for a CSR they can have an announcement every minute to let them know their place in the queue. If the client does not wish to hold for a CSR, they can press 0 to leave a voicemail.This would benefit client satisfaction since they will have flexibility if they do not wish to wait and they can get an idea of how many calls are ahead of them.
Lutgardo Bayan commented
It will provide announcements to Call Queue Callers to inform then that they are the 2nd, 3rd or the last in the queue.This feature saves time for callers to know if they will stay waiting or leave if the Queue is full.
Ashley commented
We were advised the MVP platform reported position in the queue before purchase, but this is not the case we really need the platform to be able to report position in the queue while waiting on hold when calling into the surgery on the main numbers and hitting the auto attendant, we are aGP surgery and all your surgery customers would benefit from this.
Daniel commented
Go to 3cx.com and see if you can license some of their patents.The MVP queues should have the ability to determine estimated wait time, position in queue, and call back capabilities. Should have to get advanced contact center which is overkill for healthcare. We had this in the 3CX product before going to RingCentral.
Aliyah commented
Customer requested to have an option to inform the customer waiting in the line on what number are they in the queue.
Danae commented
When callers find themselves in a call queue with extended wait times, it would be nice to have them press a # and request a call back, instead of holding... showing them that we respect their time but still want to handle their call.
Amos commented
Customers would be able to save their spot in the queue and be called back once their number reaches the rep. The customer could continue to do what they need to instead of having to wait until the rep is thru all the calls ahead of them.
Carrie commented
Please add the feature to allow callers in Que to be automatically called back by the system without losing their place in line
Anonymous commented
Allowing callers to receive automatic call backs from call queue's would improve on customer satisfaction and employee productivity
Anthony commented
Clients would more likely wait when they know they are in line and how long it may take. Rather than dropped calls.