Shared Voicemails: Increase number of voicemail boxes per co-recipient
It would be very useful for business owners to be able to add themselves to all voicemail boxes as co-recipients, that way they can easily access all voicemails. Currently the limit of voicemail boxes per co-recipient is 5. It would be helpful to increase this number or make it unlimited.

Chuck commented
I agree with this suggestion
Doug commented
As a top RingCentral partner we work with a ton of organizations of all different sizes and we see this limitation come up very frequently. Even if we could increase the number of co-recipient mailboxes for a user up to 10, that would be great progress and satisfy a lot of clients. However, even more would be fantastic.
Michael commented
This would be useful for us as well; we have a lot of part time staff, so keeping track of voicemails would make life easier!
Christy commented
This is necessary for our team with rotating on-call schedules. Team currently at 20 with plans to increase. This limitation will not allow full access that our team needs to meet the expectations of our clients.
Chaim commented
I have one user, but 35 Voicemail only extensions, there is no way for me to see them at all, we need to have the limit increased from 5 to at least 30/40, or unlimited would be even better!!
Thank you so much!! -
Jeff commented
A 5 user maximum for voicemail boxes to be shared with an employee is incredibly shortsighted, especially when there is no other way to grant a manager access to his team's voicemail boxes. We have a call center where it is extremely important that voicemails be responded to quickly even if the employee who received the call is out. The fact that a manager can only monitor 5 voicemail boxes total is ridiculous.
Margaret commented
This is also a necessity for us. RingCentral told us to make people message managers, to get around this limitation in the call queue. But message managers cannot view the voicemails in the app, only in the admin portal. We really need to be able to make 50 people co-recipients of the call queue voicemail so that all the call queue members can easily access the voicemails.
John commented
Currently can set fifteen users as a co-recipeint but unable to set one user to more than five mailboxes. They need to change this.
Bryan commented
In fact, very low limitation which can be a huge problem for us.
It doesn't seem normal to add up to 50 users in a CQ but not in the VM. -
Scott commented
This is a necessity for those who are running a helpdesk with more than 15 employees.
Daniel commented
Currently set to 15 as a 24/7 365 helpdesk all of our users and potential future users will need access to the shared helpdesk voicemail.
Justin commented
Shared voicemail co-recipients are currently limited to 15 users. In the case of larger teams, or larger on-call rotations, all users of that area can't have the shared voicemail appear within their RingCentral client, unless micromanaging the co-recipient list. This should be expanded, so that anyone who is part of a call queue, can be added as a co-recipient to the call queue's voicemail.
Armien Lanuzo commented
Shared Voicemail Feature is it possible to increase the shared voicemail limit to at least 25 or more